Summer; that season that goes so fast you lose track of what you've done and where you've been.
Summer; a time for:
"spotting" fawns,
glorious moonlight,
loving sisters,
sidewalk chalk portraits,
eyepatches ( um, actually- lens covers),
itty buglings,
giggling girlfriends,
spoonfeeding sissys', ( I don't know which one had more fun?)
sunlit catnaps,:)
bathtub chubbies,
grad parties,
special grandpas', (love makes the world go round...... and round, and round.....)
SWINGSETS!!! ( How could we live without those?),
and last of all, swimming buddies, (who also happen to be excellent splashers and dunkers. :P What a coincidence!)
itty buglings,
giggling girlfriends,
huggin' brothers, ( also best friends, as in this case)
spoonfeeding sissys', ( I don't know which one had more fun?)
sunlit catnaps,:)
bathtub chubbies,
grad parties,
special grandpas', (love makes the world go round...... and round, and round.....)
SWINGSETS!!! ( How could we live without those?),
and last of all, swimming buddies, (who also happen to be excellent splashers and dunkers. :P What a coincidence!)
"Skipping down the cobblestones, lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy.
La, la, la laaa laa la la. Feelin' groovy....."
La, la, la laaa laa la la. Feelin' groovy....."
This is just a peek of my summer, thus far! I haven't had time to load all the millions of snapshots that I would love to show. I am catching up slowly, but surely.... so please have patience- the rest will be shown. Ah, so many great memories, so little time.