Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 144:15

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Self Esteem or Christ Esteem?

How God describes mankind.......according to Psalm 14 :

We are;


saying there is no God,



not good,

going aside in our own way,


no good,

working iniquity,


eating up God's people,

not calling upon the Lord,

and according to Romans 3:

not righteous,

not understanding,

not seeking after God,

going our own way,


doers of evil,

people with throats as open graves,



full of cursings,


swift to shed blood,



people who never know peace,

having no fear of God.

What God is...........according to Psalm 103:


full of benefits

forgiving of iniquities,

healing our diseases,

redeeming us from destruction,

crowns us with loving kindness,




renewing our youth,

executes righteousness and justice,

makes himself known,



full of compassion,

has mercy in plenty,

he will not always chide,

will not keep his anger forever,

has not dealt with us according to our sins,

not rewarded our iniquities,

great in mercy toward those who fear Him,

a father to the God-fearing,

pities His children,

knows our frame,

remembers we are dust,

has everlasting mercy on those who fear,

merciful unto children's children,

keeps His covenant with commandment keepers.

Doesn't this make your heart want to sing! Christ is all- all we need and should want. Whenever I find passages such as these I am broken, broken that I cannot do more. Joyful that He has done so much.

"Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions, according to your mercy remember me for your goodness sake, O Lord."
Psalms 25:7

What a pleasure it is for me to remember that Charles Spurgeon said,

"Nearness to God bring likeness to God. The more you see God the more of God will be seen in you."

Isn't that amazing- as Christians, Christ has taken all our attributes and placed them in His tomb while placing us on the mounts of His love so all can see His beauty written on our souls.

"The man who is deeply discontented with himself is probably growing fast in the full likeness of Christ."

~ Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Living Love at Calvary

"If monotony ties me, and I cannot stand drudgery; if stupid people fret me and the little ruffles set me on edge; if I make much of the little trifles of life, then I know nothing of Calvary Love."
~Amy Carmicheal

Do YOU really LOVE?

Please take.......

I did.

Boy, I felt like crying.

Why haven't I been more bold? Why haven't I told the many people I come in contact with of Christ's amazing love, of the law and how it affects our lives. Why?
I was a coward. By God's mercy, as a family, we are now telling others of the gospel. Please click here to see the resouce we use to reach people for Christ in a friendly way. These are great conversation starters. I have given out at least a hundred since we bought them.
I thank the Lord for showing our family that we can speak of the glory of the Lord in the gates.
"That I may show forth all Your praise in the gates..... I will rejoice in Your salvation."
Psalm 9:14

"The word of God I think of as a straight edge, which shows up our own crookedness. We can't really tell how crooked our thinking is until we line it up with the straight edge of the scripture."
~Elisabeth Elliot

Sunday, September 12, 2010

For all she does...

"To my mother I tell the truth. I have no thought, no feeling that I cannot share with my mother, and she is like a second conscience to me, her eyes like a mirror reflecting my own image."
~William Gerhardi

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ace Wonder Movie Trailer

This is going to be a great movie, I can't wait for it to come out!
The Moore's have really outdone themselves this time.
It looks like Gator is going to keep us laughing, again.
Click here to keep up with all the behind the scenes activities.

Honey in Our Homes

Have you felt the wonder?
Lying back,
feet curled under you,
eyes dancing over those
all absorbing lines
of a book.
There is nothing
in the whole world
like it.


Movies, radio, and television cannot take the place of crisp, white paper, and words. Words that lie before you, expecting you to discover and uncover, to delight in and imagine what the author buried in the lyrical sands of time.

You have been pulled into a distant place, a world of your own! You feel dreamy, hopeful, numb, chilled, elated, defeated, merry, angry, stifled, daring, gentle, humored, tearful, and skillful all in one afternoon. Whenever I finish a good book I suddenly realize it is as if I have come to know a new friend. I am looking, with fresh eyes, at words strung together forming a work of art. (think- pearl necklace.)

Today, I want to introduce you to a work of art written by Gladys Hunt, who loves books.... need I say more?

The book, Honey for a Child's Heart, is written for families, mothers, fathers, boys, girls, children, and babies. Why?
It is about the importance of books. What they do for you; soul and body and how they affect families.

I loved it. Mrs. Hunt put in words what I have thought a thousand times. She has made a memorial of why christians and books should be always entwined. She has written it all with a perspective that the Bible is the most important book. All books should be read with an understanding that the guidebook is The Book of Books. The "Honey" in her book is the Word of God.

This book influenced me before I could even read.
Mama read Honey for a Child's Heart when I was a toddler and she understood fully why she loved reading aloud to me.

In her preface, Mrs. Hunt has written these words:

"Books are like people: fascinating, inspiring, thought-provoking, some laugh, some meditate, others ache with old age, but still have wisdom; some are disease-ridden, some deceitful; but others are a delight to behold, and many travel to foreign lands; some cry, some teach, others are lots of fun, they are excellent companions, and they have individuality--Books are friends. What person has too many friends?"

In the first chapter Mrs. Hunt says,

"A good book is a magic gateway into a wider world of wonder, beauty, delight, and adventure. Books are experiences that make us grow, that add something to our inner stature. Children and books go together in a special way. I can't imagine any pleasure greater than bringing to the uncluttered, supple mind of a child the delight of knowing God and the many rich things He has given us to enjoy. This is every parent's privilege, and books are his keenest tools. Children don't stumble onto good books by themselves, they must be introduced to the wonder of words put together in
such a way that they spin out pure joy and magic.......
What I am saying is simply this: As Christian parents we are
concerned about building whole people-- people who are alive; emotionally, spiritually, intellectually. The instruction to "....train up a child in the way he should go...." encompasses so much more than teaching him the facts of the Gospel. It is to train the child's character, give him high ideals and to encourage integrity. It is to provide largeness of thought, creative thinking, imaginative wondering-- an adequate view of God and His world. He can never really appreciate the finest without personal redemption. But many a redeemed person lives in a small, insecure world because he has never walked with God into the larger place which is His domain. We have books and The Book at our disposal to use wisely for God's glory."

Later, she explains that reading aloud is one of the most important things you can do for your family.

"If families don't read books together, how do they know each other's
friends? That's exactly how we feel about it. Reading aloud as a family has bound us together, as sharing an adventure always does. We do know the same people. We have gone through emotional crises together as we felt anger, sadness, fear, gladness, and tenderness in the world of the book we were reading. Something happens to us which is better experienced than described-- a kind of enlarging of heart-- when we encounter passages full of grand language and nobility of thought...At the age of seventy, Laurence Housman writes about the contribution
reading made in his family in The Unexpected Years: "These family readings formed so satisfying a bond between older and younger that I can hardly think of family life without it; and I marvel when I hear of families in whose upbringing
it has had no place."

I have felt this joy, a joy, as Mrs. Hunt says, that must be experienced rather than described. We have read together; hanging around the table in our kitchen, breathlessly listening from the couches of our family room or even squished in the car on our vacations- leaning forward to catch each word. There are smiles and wiggles of delight when yet, another book is pulled from the special spot we keep the "read-alouds". I do not know how many times I have said or heard, "Please. just one more chapter?"

After we have shared stories there is a common bond in our minds surrounding the books we have enjoyed together. Whenever I see
The Robber's Cave lying quietly on the shelf; a sudden image fills my mind's eye and I see my family and I, bending over the pages; living the adventure and learning together through this excellent novel. This is what family reading time is all about, learning about each other and the Lord throughout the books and each of the characters along the way.

This is not only accomplished by the parents of a family, but by any of the family members. I read aloud to Lizzie, Bella, Louisa and Katherine regularly. By regularly I mean that I read when I have time. This does not mean that I have a set time to read aloud, it means that when I happen to pass a book shelf and have nothing to finish at the moment I call, "Who wants to hear a story?" or "Come and hear about Winnie the Pooh!" or "Ah, now this is a wonderful story about a rabbit named Peter-one of my favorites. Do you want me to read it to you?" I rarely have put the book away unread. At least two children will be snuggled up next to me,chattering between page turns and asking truly relevent questions.

These are some of our best "sissy" one-on-one times; the green couch in our family room has been a cushioned host to enumerable readings and explainations of some pretty hilarious subjects. In turn, it is exciting to see Lizzie, who is stumbling through hard words herself, reading to the younger girls with zeal unequaled. Sometimes, while cooking in the kitchen, I will overhear these readings and will be laughing at the innocent comments raised and enjoyment of all involved.

Mrs. Hunt says,

"Characters seem more real when a story is read with some gift of expression. Maybe it is because a whole family is identifying with the characters and this strengthens the bonds one feels...I have mentioned two of the by-products of reading aloud: family closeness because of a shared experience and the bond of appreciation of good writing. The third factor has been alluded to: the opportunity of teaching what is true and good.
Cruelty, evil, and greed come into clear focus against kindness, truth, and honor in a well-written story.
The best teaching we have done in our family has been through reading the Bible and good books aloud together. It is really not such a profound concept. How would you best be enlightened to some truth- by being told that it was wrong to be nasty and thoughtless to others, or to meet and come to love some character in a story and then feel her hurts when someone is unkind and says cruel things? We sometimes talk about the characters we meet in our stories and about the motivation behind their deeds. We discuss worthy ideas and try to hang important concepts into a larger framework of truth. The Christian parent who uses both The Book and books has a distinct advantage. The Bible spells out the precepts, the teaching of God's plan for man. It also tells us about real people-- their faith, their sins, their courage, their disbelief-- and we see the fruit of each in what follows in their lives. Good books fulfill our human need for adventure and wider experience, but they also provide support for the kind of character development of which the Scriptures speak. Again , I recall a quote by Paul Hazard: " I like books that set in action truths worthy of lasting forever, and of inspiring one's whole inner life." What a pleasure to share that kind of book with a child!"

Here are some books we love to read aloud again and again. What books have you enjoyed reading with your family? Please, please I want to know!!!

The Bible- This is one we read Everyday!

The following are some secular books that have morals woven in them:

A. A. Milne Books ( Pooh and Piglet)

Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit)

Little Bear Series

Treasure Island


Here is a list of some of our favorite God-honoring stories:

Christian Mother Goose

The White Knights

The Three Weavers

Prisoners of the Sea-Florence M. Kingsley

Coral Island-R.M. Ballentyne

Gorilla Hunters-R.M. Ballentyne

Fighting the Flames-R.M. Ballentyne

Pirate City-R.M. Ballentyne

Island Queen- R.M. Ballentyne

A Basket of Flowers-Christoph Von Schmid

Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends- Malley Siblings

Wisdom and the Millers-Mildred A. Martin

Prudence and the Millers- Mildred A. Martin

Missionary Stories with the Millers-Mildred A. Martin

The Duggars, Twenty and Counting

Shipwrecked but not Lost- Hon. Mrs. Dundas

Choice Stories for Children