Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 144:15

Monday, March 22, 2010

Poems and Ponderings

Books Fall Open

Books fall open
you fall in,
delighted where
you've never been;
hear voices not once
heard before
reach world on world
through door on door;
find unexpected
keys to things
locked up beyond
What might you be,
perhaps become,
because one book
is somewhere? Some
wise delver into
wisdom, wit,
and wherewithal
has written it,
True books will venture,
dare you out,
whisper secrets,
maybe shout
across the gloom
to you in need,
who hanker for
a book to read.

David McCord

Ah, a good book and a cozy couch! What more could a girl dream of for her free time. What am I thinking, I gotta go get a book.....?

What wisdom, wit or wherewithal have you fallen into lately?

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