Happy are the people whose God is the Lord.
Psalm 144:15

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Life Happens~ While You're Havin' Fun!

Summer; that lovely time of year that yields a host of varieties to our lives.
Summer; that season that goes so fast you lose track of what you've done and where you've been.
Summer; a time for:
"spotting" fawns,
glorious moonlight,

loving sisters,

sidewalk chalk portraits,

eyepatches ( um, actually- lens covers),

itty buglings,

giggling girlfriends,

hydrangeas divine,

huggin' brothers, ( also best friends, as in this case)

spoonfeeding sissys', ( I don't know which one had more fun?)
sunlit catnaps,:)
bathtub chubbies,
grad parties,
chocolate ice-cream (no comment!),

special grandpas', (love makes the world go round...... and round, and round.....)
SWINGSETS!!! ( How could we live without those?),
and last of all, swimming buddies, (who also happen to be excellent splashers and dunkers. :P What a coincidence!)
"Skipping down the cobblestones, lookin' for fun and feelin' groovy.
La, la, la laaa laa la la. Feelin' groovy....."

This is just a peek of my summer, thus far! I haven't had time to load all the millions of snapshots that I would love to show. I am catching up slowly, but surely.... so please have patience- the rest will be shown. Ah, so many great memories, so little time.


Shelbi said...

I love your pictures, Maddie! May I ask, whose graduation party was it? Yours or Cassie's or Kasey's? :D

Keep on posting!

Savannah said...

I'm glad ya'll are having a nice summer! We are too, and I hope ya'll can come over and see the baby sometime! He's a week old today- it's flown by. :)

We miss ya'll lots,

P.S.Happy late birthday,and by the way, I love your new swimming suit!!

Madeleine said...

Hey girls,

I cannot wait to see the baby. Has it been one week already? Wow, time does fly.
Actually, the party was a surprise for Kasey!
Miss ya'll,
